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North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership

Justice Service

We work in partnership with the justice system. We liaise with court staff, inform and monitor court proceedings, and ensure non-custodial options are available that can reduce re-offending and address underlying causes of offending.

We work with agencies, organizations and stakeholders such as Youth Justice, Adult Support and Protection and Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA).

We provide services for people who have been through the justice system to help them achieve better outcomes. We aim to:

  • help people to make the move from prison to the community
  • prevent re-offending
  • enable people to give back to their community

This is a referral service. Referrals are made by:

  • courts
  • prisons
  • Procurator Fiscal Service

Supporting change, preventing reoffending

Diversion from prosecution

We create a structured plan of work, as part of people’s Community Payback Order or Throughcare License. We help people to change their attitudes and beliefs, understand the impact of their behaviour, develop problem solving skills, deal with situations differently, develop strategies to prevent a return to offending.

Suitable for people with substance misuse issues, accused women, young people aged 16 to 17 years, people with mental ill health, or people with learning disability.

Preventative measures for people charged with minor offences include:

  • 1-2-1 counselling
  • structured activity
  • access to drug and alcohol recovery service

Attendance is a mandatory part of licence conditions. If employed, we try to accommodate attendance outside of working hours.

Caledonian System

We provide help to families affected by domestic abuse through the Caledonian System

Throughcare Service

We provide social worker support during a sentence to help prisoners to prepare for release. Anyone released from prison can receive voluntary aftercare for up to 12 months.

People serving longer sentences will be released with a requirement that they are supervised on statutory licences for a specified period such as non-parole, parole, life licence, extended supervision.

Contact Throughcare

North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, 157 New Street, Stevenston KA20 3HI
Phone: 01294 463924

Drug Treatment and Testing Order (DTTO)

The court may impose a DTTO If drug problems have contributed to offending. The individual is placed under the supervision of a social worker and an addiction staff member is responsible for treatment and testing. Reviews are held at Court by the Sheriff.

Working in communities

Community Payback Order (CPO)

A CPO is a court imposed order that includes:

  • supervision
  • unpaid work as part of a squad (eg litter removal, conservation work) or on an individual basis (eg making crafts, working in a charity shop) 
  • alcohol/drug treatment
  • mental ill health treatment
  • programme requirement; Caledonian System (domestic abuse), Moving Forward Making Changes (sexual offence)
  • compensation

A CPO can last from 6 months to 3 years. Non compliance can result in a return to court and an alternative disposal being imposed, including a custodial sentence.

Up to 5 supervised CPO squads can be working across communities on any day of the week.

Contact CPO unpaid work

North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Unit 4 Block 2, Moorpark Industrial Estate, Stevenston KA20 3JT
Phone: 01294 608900