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North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership

Medication Assisted Treatment MAT

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of medication and psychological and social support in the treatment and care of people who have a drug problem.

New standards for services providing MAT came into force in April 2021.

The implementation of MAT Standards will transform the treatment and care of people who have a drug problem across Scotland. 

The standards describe:

  • how people are encouraged and supported to stay in treatment
  • how services are accessed
  • treatment
  • health and social supports people may access while in treatment.

Details for implementing the standards across North Ayrshire and Arran are contained in the MAT Standards Project Charter, available on request.


Access Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)

This service is available to anyone aged 16 years and over. Anyone can make a referral.

MAT is not dependent on the uptake of other services or staying free from other drugs.

You will remain in treatment for as long as required. There is no time limit.

A range of options is available to best meet individual needs. Support is provided in person from Court Resource Centre in Stevenston, or across North Ayrshire localities via an outreach model. We also encourage contact by phone or internet.

Your first appointment

We’ll work with you to complete an assessment based on your strengths, goals, and wishes. This assessment will include your drug and alcohol use and identify support required for any mental or physical health issues or social care needs.

Information will be sought to make sure that prescribed medication can be safely started to support your recovery. Psychological and social support will be available.

You will be introduced to a Recovery Development Worker who will offer lived experience recovery support. They will introduce you to other community recovery supports and services.

Treatment and support

You’ll be supported to:

  • make informed choices regarding treatment
  • access group support and peer-led support.

A recovery focused treatment and care plan will be agreed between you and staff, including the prescribing of medication. Your care plan will be regularly reviewed to allow you to make changes if needed.

You will be provided with a named professional as your main contact.

We encourage you to consider nominating someone to be kept informed of, and be involved in supporting, your treatment and care. This could be a family member or friend.

You’ll be offered regular appointments and tailored support. Support ranges from low intensity for people needing less involvement, to intensive recovery focused packages.

Processes will be in place for assessing injecting-related risk and other associated drug related harms alongside the delivery of MAT. You may have the option to start MAT from the same day of presentation.

Harm reduction advice will be provided.

The service offers blood borne virus (BBV) testing, as well as a range of physical and sexual health interventions.
Staff are trained in assessing injection related wounds and complications.
Injecting equipment provision is offered and will not impact on your treatment provision.
Overdose Awareness training and a supply of Naloxone will be provided.

Contact us

To request the MAT Standards Project Charter, or for more information, please get in touch.