Complaints, compliments and comments
Feedback helps us to shape our service to your needs.
You can comment, make a complaint, or pass on compliments about the North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership or North Ayrshire Integration Joint Board policies, decisions or decision making processes by following the links below:
You can also do so by:
- Speaking to a member of staff at your local Health and Social Care Partnership office
- Calling 01294 317700
- Writing to:
- Chief Officer
- North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board
- 5th Floor West
- Cunninghame House
- Irvine
- KA12 8EE
For NHS matters relating to health-based services, please see NHS Ayrshire & Arran – Feedback and Complaints.
We have a 2 stage complaints procedure: Front-line resolution (stage 1) and Investigation (stage 2). If it is clear that your feedback will need a detailed investigation, we will tell you and keep you updated on our progress.
Stage 1: Front-line resolution
Health and social care staff in our offices are able to help with comments, complaints and suggestions. We will try to resolve your complaint quickly, within 5 working days, if we can. If you are unhappy with our response, you can ask us to consider your complaint at stage 2.
Stage 2: Investigation
We will investigate your complaint if:
- You are unhappy with our response at stage 1
- You refuse to co-operate with stage 1
- The issue you raise is complex and requires a detailed investigation
- Your complaint has been identified as serious, high risk or high profile
We may look at your complaint immediately at Stage 2, if it is complex or requires a detailed investigation. We will acknowledge your stage 2 complaint within 3 working days. We will give you our decision as soon as possible. We will take no more than 20 working days, unless there are exceptional reasons and we need more time.
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO)
If, after receiving our final decision, you remain unhappy with our decision, or the way we handled the complaint, you can ask the SPSO to consider it. We’ll tell you how to do this when we send you our final decision.
Care Inspectorate
If you have a specific comment, complaint or suggestion about health and social care services, you can send it to Care Inspectorate complaints. Phone: 0345 600 9527.
Share your views publicly
We’re partnered with Care Opinion, an independent website where users of our services can submit their stories, views and experiences anonymously, as well as reading reviews posted by others either positive or negative. We’re committed to replying publicly via the site to address your feedback and will keep you up to date with any changes that may be implemented in response to your concerns.
To share your experiences of NAHSCP services, visit 'Tell your story' at Care Opinion.
All comments will help us to understand what is working well, learn where improvements may be needed, and will be taken into account when developing future services.